Geometric Optics
Reflection and Refraction Tank
A circular tank half-filled with water and with a light source is used to demonstrate reflection, refraction, and total internal reflection.
Blackboard Optics
A source of five parallel light beams, various lenses and mirrors can be attached to the blackboard to demonstrate various experiments in geometric optics.
Gigantic Concave/Convex Mirror
This 24in x 36in acrylic mirror supplied with a simple standing mechanism can be bent into concave, convex or flat arrangements.
Finding the Real Image Formed by a Slide Projector
A real optical image is formed in air and can be revealed by rapidly waving a white stick in the space between the projector and black screen.
3D Model of the Human Eye
A large glass flask filled with water and a bit of fluorescein is used to model a human eye. Interchangeable lenses show normal, short-sight, and far-sight vision. Corrective lenses which simulate glasses are also avaiable.
Light Pipe
A laser with a few differently shaped pieces of plexiglass demonstrate how fiber optics works.
A toy consists of 2 parabolic mirrors forms a 3-D virtual image in air.
Birefringent Materials
Calcite is used to show double refraction found in some crystals.
Mirror System
System of mirrors used to show how you can redirect a beam of light.
Wave Optics
Interference Model
Concentric circles drawn on two transparent plastic plates can be used on OHP to show the interference patterns formed by two interacting wavefronts.
Newton’s Rings
Convex lens on flat glass illuminated with a monochromatic light produces circular fringes (only for close up view).
Diffraction Gratings
Large high-quality (1600 gr/mm on mirror surface) and 200 small (536 gr/mm on plastic slides) gratings are available.
Thin-Slit Diffraction
Precisely adjustable slit width is used with a laser to form diffraction patterns.
Cornell Grating Slide
A variety of single and double slits and diffraction gratings used with a laser to form diffraction patterns.
Microwave Optics
Microwaves are used to show single slit diffraction, double slit interference, polarization, and Bragg’s diffraction.
Large Filters:
- Large Polarizers
Set of 3 with stands is available and used to demonstrate the properties of polarized light. - Finding Stress Areas with Polarizers
Areas of stress will be revealed when objects are placed between polarizers. - Rotation of the Direction of Polarization with Dispersion
Spiral rainbow formed by polarized light in a sugar column.
Brewster’s Angle
Can be demonstrated with a bright light source, a framed glass, protractor, and a polarizer.
Various rocks and liquids fluoresce under UV light.
Additive Color Mixing
Red, green, and blue light sources overlap on screen to produce white light.
Circular Rainbow
Spherical flask of water illuminated by white light makes a rainbow on the screen. Flask simulates a water droplet.
Linear Rainbow (Large Diffraction)
Large linear rainbows can be cast onto projector screens in large classrooms using large diffraction gratings and a carbon arc lamp or flashlight.
Scattering and Color
Addresses the question “why is the sky blue?” White light bulb looks red when line of sight is through milky water.
Linear Spectra
Five discharge tubes filled with different gases are available for this demonstration.
Large Spectrum Tube
Electrons are accelerated through a cathode ray tube and fluorescence is observed. A magnet can be used to deflect the electron beam.
Wien’s Law
Light from an incandescent light source is refracted into a spectrum. Varying the temperature of the filament results in a different peak wavelength of the emitted spectrum.