- PIC 3
- PIC 2
- PIC 6
- syringe apparatus
- modified hydraulic press and wood
- standard hydraulic cart
- The instructor can show to the audience the principle of hydraulic levers with two graded syringes of different diameters connected by a plastic tube and partially filled with colored water (pic.1). For large classes it is a good idea to use the video camera to make markings on the syringes visible to everyone.
- (pic.2) is a home-built, modified hydraulic press. With this press any person from the auditorium (volunteer or instructor’s choice) can almost effortlessly break a 2×4′ piece of wood or bend an iron pipe.
- The ThirdĀ application is a standard hydraulic cart with a flat platform (pic.3). One student will step on the cart while it is in its lower position and another student can easily raise the platform with a foot pedal up to 5 feet off the ground.
A small force by a small-area piston can be converted to a large force at a large area piston. It works relatively close to a lever, where a small force passes through a great distance to transport a heavy object a short distance. The work is the same when lifting the heavy object or when applying a small force. In the case of a lever a bar and a fulcrum convert the work, in the hydraulic lift the fluid performs the work.
To bring the student back to the ground level, use the plastic pressure release handle.