Conductor Curvature Affects Charge


  • Cone conductor
  • Tripod stand
  • Conductor holder
  • Pointer electroscope
  • Plexiglass rod
  • Silk cloth
  • Proof ball


This demonstration shows that the curvature of a conductor affects the charge; the greater the curvature, the greater the charge. Begin by charging the plexiglass rod by rubbing it with the silk cloth. Then touch the tip of the conductor with the rod. Charge the proof ball by touching the newly charged tip of the conductor and touch the top of the electroscope with the proof ball. The pointer will deflect

Repeat the process, this time charging the bottom of the conductor. The pointer will deflect less when touched with the proof ball.


When the proof ball touches the tip of the conductor, it loses electrons the conductor, causing the conductor to become negatively charged. However, when the proof ball is brought to the cylindrical section of the conductor, it does not lose as many electrons. Thus, the proof ball accumulates less charge when touched to the conductor, and the pointer will deflect less.

Written by Madison Harris